Thursday 30 July 2020


A story that was published in The Eildon Tree magazine.   
The house where I used to live had the rolling hills across from it.  One day out walking I saw two people run down one of the less steep hills.  They were fine and loved it.  They smiled up at me and away they went.  
From that in the strange way of creativity came this story.

Two more short stories recently published in Dreich Shorts below  `Soulmates` story.

They thought he was scared but he wasn’t.  His screams and screeches were all part of it
                                 but they didn’t know
                                                       they tried to comfort him
                                                                                                   they tried to
calm him down
                  but they didn’t know
he wanted to lie in his own bed in the darkness of the night, and stare up at the skylight, at the shifting stars, at the moon shimmering and vibrating across the window; he wanted to stare and feel his skin tingle at the shadows of the trees whipped by the wind; he wanted his ears to ache with the creak and rattle of the window frame; he wanted his eyes to stretch with the dancing, ghoulish, stretching finger shaped shapes.
He wanted
                   but they didn’t know
and one windy, wild day he jumped off the always bouncing, moving school bus and ran the uphill country mile to his cottage in the wilderness, threw his flapping school bag in the heap of a corner in the hall, and with his mother’s shout of ‘Dooooor Michael ’ whizzing over his head, he leaped, and scrambled up the wooden, creaking stairs to his bedroom, the smile growing with every creak and groan of the stairs, of the house, and into his bedroom he clattered and his eyes smiling upwards
                                 but they didn’t know
and Michael’s smile died
                               for parents being parents
                                                              they had blocked
off the skylight
                 and now
              the dull    square    ordinary   window   in   the   side
     with   a    view
                    to         the        hills              the                    beautifully
                                                                                                   dull                           dreary     hills
they didn’t know.
They thought she was strange but she wasn’t.   Her silent moving lips were all part of it
                        but they didn’t know
                                                                            they tried to get her to
                      but they didn’t know
she moved silent lips to whisper wondrous thoughts to fill her mind’s eye, to fly off tall buildings with her arms for wings, to walk the tightrope without a net, to climb the mountain without a rope, to feel her skin tingle with the sight of the hard ground; she wanted to feel her muscles tense and stretch, and her lips dry, and her eyes nip with the cold sweat.
She wanted
                     but they didn’t know
 and they wrapped her tight in the safety of their home, bought her readymade toys, bought her ready made friends, filled her silence with their chatter, screeched and ran when she sat atop the highest tree in their garden, arms outstretched, face smiling upwards, mouth mouthing her own silent words.
                             but they didn’t know
                                      so parents being parents they took an
axe to the tree
                and now
                         the     dull   square   flat       of      the     garden
                       they didn’t know
and Martha’s smile died.
There must be a God, a keeper of ill fitting souls for the day came that out of the east came Michael, no longer a boy, a man now in his thirties with the Fred Perry shirt tight over rounded shoulders, with the ill fitting jeans and trainers and no socks, and looking like all the world as if the monk-like balding circle on the top of his head had been cut to measure; for out of the west came Martha, no longer a girl, a woman now in her mid thirties with the Fred Perry shirt tight over drooping breasts, with the ill fitting slacks and sandals and no shoes, and looking like all the world as if the bun that held her hair tight against the back of her head had been baked and left to harden a long time since.
Michael and Martha smiled.   
For they knew.
For now after the sun, the rain had come, hard and whipped up, and the trees swung in wild circles as they walked, fast, up, and along the rim of the hill, towards each other, to their place, to the cairn that sat solid at the edge of the slope, that ran down between the sharpest of rocks to the flat safety of the valley below.
They shivered as their skin tingled, as they reached the cairn and spoke together then laughed, then Michael said.
She nodded.
He nodded.
They turned to face the edge of the slope. They stood.  Then reached and his left hand took her right; her right hand took his left, and they knew and tilted forward into the slope, felt the gravity push at them and they were away and running, eyes wide, breath caught and held, blood pumping legs to dodge the jagged rocks, to hold tight against the slipping, grassy, moving ground.  And his screams and screeches, and her smiling face held up, were all part of it; and they shuddered and tumbled to a rolling stop against the flat safety of the valley; and they choked with their laughter, and rolled into each other, and smiled at the rips in their ill fitting
                                        and above them a voice
                                              ‘are you okay?’
                                                      and a dog galloped down the hill towards
                        and the
       on the hill
                                                                                             ‘here boy come away from them’
for the voice didn’t know.

Wednesday 29 July 2020


Recently I had two short stories in the above publication `Dreich Shorts.`  published by Hybrid Press. 

The stories:  The Man Who Fell Into His Own Head and A Short Story about....   are below.

Thanks to editor Jack Caradoc for choosing my stories.  As you can see I`m in some fine company indeed.

You can find out more about the above publication and much more that Hybrid Press  publish at this link.

Mark stopped at three forty three pm precisely. It was a Sunday. 
His wife Eleanor explained to the doctors. ‘I came out with his usual cup of tea and no sugar and…He was standing there… Mid push of the lawn mower.’
The doctors examined him but found nothing wrong. His heart still beat like the healthy fifty five year old he was. Blood still circulated his veins unchecked. He was a puzzle that they couldn’t solve. Like a lot of puzzles though the answer was there in plain sight.   
The synapsis in his brain fizzled like an electrical storm.
‘Like his brain was laughing unrestrained.’ One of the doctors commented. Eleanor said she couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed unrestrained.
They all gave a puzzled shrug and moved on. It did not explain why Mark had stopped when all the signs indicated he hadn’t.
Inside his brain Mark watched their puzzled looks and listened to their puzzled discussions. Falling into his own head had taken him by surprise. 
Once the initial surprise had subsided though he settled down to think about why, and to take in his new surroundings.
His brain all movement and lighted paths, some brighter than others. 
He followed one to a memory of a day at the beach; another to him staring at the moon when he should have been asleep; didn’t bother with one that led to endless discussions about pensions; of hazy pictures of TV programmes he forgot as soon as they had finished; he stood tired and sad at Eleanor look of disappointment in the man she had married.
He felt the memory of paddling in the sea and knew the why.
Enough had been enough.

A SHORT STORY ABOUT….               

A short story about…Nostalgia.
Sunshine on a school holiday day, or it might be a weekend, whatever; there’s a haze, a sepia glow covering the pale brown wheat field.  A canal runs along the edge of the field. It glistens in the sun the water still and clear and pure.  A house is perched on a slope on the other side of the canal.  It sits against a background of the bluest sky.  Flowers of every colour of the rainbow line its gravel path that leads to an open front door.  Framed in the doorway a husband and wife, a father and mother hug and smile across at the boy who watches from his side of the canal.  The field side. He sits on a broken tree which lies on its side roots stiff in the airless air…like petrified guts.
Petrified guts?  No. Try again.

A short story about…Childhood.
Sunshine on a school holiday day, or it might be the weekend, whatever, there’s a haze, a sepia glow covering the pale brown wheat field as a boy sits on the broken tree. Can we call him a child?  Yes we can. He’s only ten years old.  He bounces a football and watches it roll down the banking of the canal and float in the still and clear and pure water.  He listens to his parents laugh and smiles back as they smile across at him.  His mother shouts.  ‘ Tea in ten minutes Mark.’  He nods. He feels hungry.  He is a growing lad on the cusp of starting High School and the rocky road to adolescent.  He sits with a knife…
A knife?  Leave alone.
The boy spreads his fingers wide on the tree and brings the knife down again and again between the gaps.  Once he…
Leave alone. Let there be lambs skipping in the field and the wheat so lush and brown and…rats puncturing the football with their… Leave alone.

A short story about…a land that never was. 
The boy spreads his fingers wide on the tree and brings the knife down again and again between the gaps.  Once he…Once he breaks his concentration with a blink and the knife slices through the skin of one of his fingers but misses bone.
Blood rolls onto the tree and sinks into its damp and broken surface.  For the sun has gone down on the boy as he brings the knife down again slicing through the skin on another finger.
He cries but not with the pain of the knife but with the sound of voices echoing from his house across the canal.  The path is overgrown with weeds. The flowers hang limp.  Voices are raised but not for him gone for nearly twenty hours now.  Something crashes against the closed door. 
He sits alone and raises the knife once more…
Leave. Leave.

A short story about…
A man who sits on a broken tree touching at the scar on his little finger. His finger is bent where the knife entered but the scar has faded now.
Only he can still see and feel it.
A voice and he lets go of the scar.
‘Dad.  Look at me.’
His son walks tightrope style on half submerged rocks across the canal. His son sits beside him on the tree and stares across the canal.
‘ Where did your house go?’ He asks.
‘ They knocked it down when they were building the road.’
‘That’s sad.’ Says the son.
The father doesn’t answer only touches at the scar.

Tuesday 28 July 2020


A short science fiction inspired play/film.

Angela:  mid to late twenties.
One-- Earth 2075
Two—Mars 2072
Three—Earth 2075
Four-- Mars 2076

Angela is a doctor who has worked on Mars to discover a vaccine for a Universe wide virus.  She met and married her Martian husband Mayyal there.  He was in charge of the labs trying to discover a virus.  After the vaccine was discovered Martians were removed from post of responsibility and all facilities moved to Earth.  Mayyal is on trial or practising as a Doctor when he was banned now as a Martian from doing so.  The sentence could be them both sent in exile to Mars.  Angela does not want that.

Year 2075
Angela in her home on Earth giving a witness statement at her husband`s trial.  She wears an earpiece and at times responds to the judge talking.  We do not hear what the judge says, only her response.)
The trial is on Earth.
At the beginning she is over polite and nervous.
ANGELA-- Is it okay to begin?   Thank you your honor.  I`d like to start, as agreed, by apologising to your honor, and the court, for my behaviour yesterday.  There will be no more outbursts from myself.  I thank the court for its indulgence in allowing me another opportunity to make this statement.  I understand it is not my role to present evidence.  I am here solely as a character witness for the accused.
My name is Doctor Angela Jones.  I am the wife of the accused. 
(She gives what she thinks is a secret wave to her husband. It is seen by the judge.)  
Sorry your honor.  No communication with the accused, I understand.  But…A wave is not really a…
I am his wife, unlawful or not.  And we were lawfully married your honor.  The laws changed after we were married. 
How can our marriage be annulled?  We were married by an Earth minister. 
As the court wishes.
No, I do not wish to prejudice my husbands…The accused trial further.  Do you wish me to start again your honor?  
But I`m still technically a doctor for another week? 
Thank you your honor.
(Composes herself.) My name is Doctor Angela Jones.  
I first met the accused in March 2072 in the Martian hospital city of Grema.  Three years ago next month.  I had newly qualified from Edinburgh University as a Doctor of Cross Universe Diseases.  Grema is…Was the leading centre for the study of Cross Universe disease.  Anyone who had any ambition to make a difference went there. The accused…
Am I allowed to say his Martian name? 
Thank you.
The accused.  Professor…He was a professor then.  I am trying to be factual.
Thank you.
The accused Professor Mayyal Orrlarrr was the head of the Mars Virus department.
That is what it was called then your honor.  They only changed the name later when they moved to earth.
Again, thank you.
I had seen the result of the virus on my own family on Earth.  Two of my Uncles died from it.  I very nearly died myself when young.  It was only because they caught it quickly that I survived.  I wanted to be part of discovering a vaccine.  Mars was the one place I wanted to work when qualified.
I met Mayyal at three forty PM Earth time.  My time piece was still set for Earth time.  I was late for his…My first meeting…because I hadn`t adjusted my watch.
He smiled at my stuttering apologies.  A good kind smile your honor. Not mocking. From a good man. He is a good man and a genius doctor your honor.  He has saved so many with his work. Earth people.  That woman would have died sooner if he hadn`t treated her.  He gave her another year with her family.  
I`m sorry your honour but…
That is what she wishes.  He is a doctor how could he have said no? And her ungrateful family reported him and testified against him.  Just because he`s Martian.  What about the woman`s testimony?  A dying woman`s testimony.  Why was that disallowed?
(Screen goes blank.)  

Mars 2072
Angela upbeat and smiling, calling her friend Greta on Earth from her accommodation on Mars.
Hi Greta, why are you never in when I call?  Diary, check, we agreed the time. Sleeping it off girl after another night of partying. 
Fair enough if you don`t…Can`t talk to your best friend.  I`ve got five minutes girl. It`s all go up here in Mars you know.  Its everything I ever imagined.
How`s boring old Earth then?
Come and join me girl.
There are some real cutie pies here let me tell you. 
Even some of the Martians.  No, I`m not going all weird.  Native.  The ones that had the body transformations you know.  Some work better than others mind but…They look so just like us.  It`s unbelievable.  Except for the red badge they have to wear.   And the names of course.  You really can`t tell the difference.
Just between you and me girl. Not a word to my mum. You know what she was like about me coming here. 
My boss is hot.  He`s blonde and built.  They`ve even done the eyes like human eyes.  Big blue eyes baby.
But he`s my boss.  And I admit I was a bit surprised.   A Martian in charge of things.  Definitely don`t tell my mum.
It is Mars I suppose.
Still…He can be in charge of me any day of the week, let me tell you.
Do you think they have everything human?  You know what I mean girl?
And let me tell they need the transformation.  The training does not prepare you.
Second day in we had to go to one of the Martian villages.  Took us forever girl.  I mean not the most interesting landscape in the world. 
We got to the village. I was really excited you know.  Nervous I must admit.  And then they came out to meet us.
Shit girl I nearly threw up. 
You thought them guys down the Maxim club were ugly.  Fucking Adonis compared to…I lasted ten minutes and I couldn`t look at them.  Faked, not well.  Back to the ship I went.
Think they believed me.
Even if they didn`t what the fuck do they expect looking like that.  I mean you know me girl.  I`m as broadminded as the next person but…There`s even talk up here of some of them working down in Earth.  Dream on.
And some of them bitch like nobody`s business. 
` Why should I transform. It`s our planet. `
Who built the lab, girl that`s what they don`t see.  Earth technology.
If they came to earth they would have to transform and no messing.
God there`d be riots at the sight of them.
Boss man`s not like that.  He understands.  A bit too reasonable really. Laid back you know.  Eyes on the prize.  Getting the vaccine.  And he`ll get it.  You have to admire him girl.  Works 24/7. 
The rest of them are lazy shits.
He`s the exception that proves the rule.   (Screen goes blank.)

Earth 2075
Angela in her home as before.   She doesn`t look pleased, responding to what the judge is telling her, from his private chambers not in court.  She has watched the film of her call from Mars in 2072.
ANGELA-- The woman came to him for help because she knew him sir.  She had seen his work on Mars. 
I understand that is not the issue.  The law is the law.
Don`t send us back to Mars sir.  Please.
You seem a kind man.  A good judge.  And I know you must follow the law but…Isn`t it enough he cannot practice? 
Isn`t it enough that, that…Rogers…We all contributed sir. But Mayyla drove it on. Rogers wanted to quit that area of research. He spoke behind my husband’s back.  Saying why should a Martian lord it over us humans?  Maylya is a genius scientist that`s why sir.  If it wasn`t for him many more throughout the galaxies would have died from the virus. 
I understand you yourself were ill?
Not relevant sir.  Sorry.  Now the vaccine bears Rogers name and not my husbands. 
(She listens for a few moments.)  
I was young then sir. And that was a private communique between myself and Greta.  I am not the same person I was then.  I am a married woman for starters. And soon! (She pats her stomach.) You cannot send us back to Mars sir.  Let Mayyla work on Earth.  In the hospital. Not as a doctor.  A porter. Or in an office. Something like that.  
I know he was doing that when…Give him a second chance sir. He has already promised not to practice. 
I understand he made that promise before but… (Pats her stomach.) Give us a second chance.  My child deserves to be brought up on Earth.  His home.
 (She listens for a few moments.)
Yes, sir I understand.  Mars will also be his home.  But if you banish there we can never come back.  My child will never see this as his home. Also his home.  That can`t be right sir. (Pats her stomach.) Henry here…He`ll be named after my father.  What about his Earth family? 
If I apologise to the court again?
But…This is my home sir.
This can be Mayyal`s home.
He doesn`t want to go back.
I speak for him sir, since he`s too damn…He wanted me to give my statement.  He did.
Because he won`t stand up for himself.
I fight for us to stay.  All three of us.
He doesn`t want to go back.
He doesn`t.
I can`t.
(Screen goes blank.)

2076 Mars.
Angela in her home on Mars, on a call to Greta.
ANGELA—Christ sake Greta picks up the damn call. What am I persona non grata now? I know you`re there.  And I don`t blame you anymore for not deleting that call.  But you should have. I told you to.
Water under the bloody bridge now.
Pick up Greta.  This is it.  Literally my last call.  No more communication with Earth. With people.  Only the engineers are left and they go later today.  I`ve got I don`t know how long before they pull the plug. 
Labs well and truly demolished. Some of the Martians tried to start them up again.  Of course they were going to demolish them after that.
You should have seen Mayyla`s face.  I told him not to go and see.  But he insisted.  I asked him if he was involved. 
He said. `Yes.`
Just like that Greta. 
He`s changed since the body transformation was removed.
Yep, full Martian now.
Which is fine. 
Doesn`t blame me for losing my rag at the trial.   Or you for not deleting that call.
Do you know he sent congratulations to Rogers for the Nobel Prize thing? He even sat and watched it. 
I had to walk out during that little creep’s speech. No acknowledgment of Mayyla`s work.  
You know that he left his wife don`t you?  Rogers. What`s her name?  Julie or Jane or something. Jane that`s it.  We used to call her plain Jane.
Would have made a fine Martian.
His new wife.  Got all the qualifications required, if you know what I mean.  (Makes as if big breasts.) It should have been Mayyal making that speech.  It should have been me sitting in the audience…That bitch, probably didn`t even know where she was…Folk coming up to her…Getting all the congratulations. 
I bloody worked on the vaccine. 
You should see their house Greta.  It was on the news.  Bitch and double bloody bitch.
(Sarcastic.)  I would give you a tour of mine but…The mansion that it is we don`t have the time.
We`ll be fine.  A whole year now here.  And little Harry keeps me going. 
We`ll be fine. 
I always wanted to come to Mars. Remember how I never shut up about it.  It felt so…Earth when I got here.  I felt so at home.
I said this to Mayyal the other day. You know what he said. He always felt like an alien on his own planet. 
Now I`m the alien.
 (Screen goes blank.)